Backcountry Bear Basics: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Unpleasant Encounters - Smith, Dave
Backcountry Bear Basics: The Definitive Guide to Avoiding Unpleasant Encounters - Smith, Dave
Clean, tight, unmarked; absolute minimal wear; appears unread; This book provides tested strategies to help you avoid conflicts with black bears and grizzlies. All aspects of backcountry travel are covered, including how to cook and store your food and set up your campsite to avoid attracting bears. Smith explores commonly held beliefs and fallacies about people and bears. From fishing to mountain biking, this book looks at the likelihood of encountering a bear and suggest tactics for coping in different situations. When should you "play dead" and when should you fight for your life? Thoroughly researched and packed with tips, this book will make anyone's next visit to bear country a safer one.
Near Fine
Soft cover
Greystone Books
Vancouver, BC