Fit to Be Tied: Ontario's Murderous Past - Boyle, Terry
Fit to Be Tied: Ontario's Murderous Past - Boyle, Terry
As New; These are true, but unbelievable, stories about murder and hangings. Villains, bored lovers, thieves who goofed, and even the innocent suffered - each bizarre story ends badly, and draws a huge crowd. What characters they were: the charming, poetic Lord; the female bluebeard who entranced and then poisoned her young husbands; and the handsome doctor who decided he needed a more comely wife - after she'd put him through medical school. You will be as enthralled as the public was all those years ago - by shocking courtroom revelations, rudimentary autopsies, groupies who swooned over the accused, lurid press accounts, the horror of the crimes themselves and, most of all, the ghoulish fascination we had for murder both private and public.
As New
Soft cover
Polar Bear Press
Toronto, ON