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Maharaja in Denims - Singh, Khushwant

Maharaja in Denims - Singh, Khushwant

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Clean, tight, unmarked; personal gift inscription on ffep; some creasing to upper inside corner; otherwise spine straight and uncreased; very minimal wear; Hari and Suzanne; a young, lusty, college-going couple. While living the life of a normal teenage, Hari starts getting flashes of his past life - which tell him he's an incarnation of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the might founder of the Sikh empire 200 years ago. And when Suzanne attempts to decode Hari's past life through regression, their lives change forever as many shocking past lives are discovered! Interwoven throughout the unfolding of the couple's present-day story are vignettes of Ranjit Singh's life and loves, valour and conquests. When Suzanne helps Hari uncover the secrets of his past life, they stumble upon people and incidents that link the present day to the turbulent and disturbing history of Punjab.
Very Good
Soft cover
New Delhi, India

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